Our meetings are mostly informal crafting get-togethers, with everyone working on something of their own, rather than a formal taught session. We do, however, sometimes have and occasional ‘have-a-go’ session where anyone can try a new craft if they wish.
Our members enjoy a variety of crafts, including cardmaking or other papercrafts, sewing, embroidery, knitting and crochet. They are always happy to share their skills and knowledge with others who would like to learn.
We meet on the fourth Monday of the month, between 10.00 and 12.00
at the Quaker Hall in Bancks Street. Group members are asked to
make a contribution of £3 towards hire of the Hall.
For more information contact: Pam Bartlett.
Days & Times
Group Leader
4th Monday
10.00am - 12.00
Quaker Hall in Bancks Street, Minehead
Pam Bartlett